All Things San Antonio Property Management
Curious to learn about single family property management and investments in San Antonio? You’ve come to right place.
3 Organizations Pushing Junk Fee Bans & Transparency
The FTC, the US Congress, and the White House have proposed new rules and legislation to regulate "junk" fees. Learn how it will impact property management.
Hendricks Goes to the Whitehouse to Represent Landlords
Earlier this month, Hendricks Property Management when to Washington D.C., with other professional NARPM® Property Managers in tow, we went to meet with our Senators and House Reps in person. We discussed H.R. 802/S. 3755 regarding the CARES Act 30 Day Notice to Vacate, H.R. 4606/S.32 regarding strengthening the Housing Choice Voucher Program, and H.R. 3507/S.1688 regarding eliminating barriers that increase the cost of housing.
We Have Joined Showdigs to Get Our Properties Leased Faster
Showdigs is a company that has a group of licensed real estate agents that will show our properties on demand. This will help us get your properties leased more quickly so that your holding costs will be less.
Ready to take the leap?
Contact us and we’ll talk you through the details.